What is Pixela?
Pixela ( https://pixe.la/ ) is, a Web API service that allows you to register values for each day and make it show as calendar heat map format.

The values you can register can be positive numbers, negative numbers, and dicimals: the distance you ran on the day, the page number you read on the day, the range of your weight gain or loss. Pixela will quickly determine how large or small the value is, and shows the transition as a colorful heat map.

The most of the web services in the world can be accessed, registered, and started using with web-browser. However, Pixela is a Web API service. You will need to use the Web API to register as a user to start using Pixela, as well as for all other operations.
At first, you may find it hard to use it. However, we are sure you'll soon realize that it is the best interface to record your various activities to Pixela soon. By enjoying Pixela, you may also be able to improve your computer skills or your knowledge of the Internet.
We'll tell you again because it is important thing. Pixela will accept any values and represent it in vivid colors. It is an amount of calories you managed to consume on the day, or the number of you typed on the day, or the number of steps you took on the day. Record and Track your habits or effort. All by API.
All Pixels filled with the accumulation of people from all over the world are with you. Please enjoy using Pixela!